Money Speaks
Learn the language of money from a high frequency experience. This language will reveal how the energy of money is a powerful ally. We will learn different scenarios in how to utilize this loving ally in business & personal exchange.
Money Speaks is a 6-part course that will give permission to a new possibility in how to interact and relate to money. In this course we will recognize old stories and dynamics that no longer serve the advancement of consciousness. This course will create permission for you to interact with currency as a sovereign being.
What I know for sure, Abundance and Prosperity is a Divine Right for everyone. As such, worth and value are never in question. It’s actually as we release the questions of worth and value that we naturally attune to our divine birthright of abundance.
The voices of lack and scarcity have become louder than ever. I witness this for myself, for my clients, and my loved ones. I know in my heart, and from the depth of all of my experiences and wisdom, that scarcity and lack are choices and contrary to our natural and inherent state of love and abundance. I feel an urgency to give permission to a new possibility that will align you back to the sovereign truth of who you are and how and how you can transform your relationship with money.
Live weekly 90-minute zoom calls every Wednesday.
Money Speaks Workbook - Introduction
Money Speaks Workbook - Voice of Belief
Money Speaks Workbook - Voice of Emotion
Money Speaks Workbook - Voice of Money Part I
Money Speaks Workbook - Voice of Money Part II
Money Speaks Workbook - Voice of Clarity
Money Speaks Workbook - Voice of Sovereign Abundance
Money Speaks Workbook - Conclusion
Money Speaks Full Workbook
1 Payment
September 20th, 2023 5:30pm PST